magic is real…

kanae sen
2 min readDec 2, 2020


Illustration by 林遭遇 on

Many moons ago a wise old man told me magic was real. Of course, I didn’t believe him at first. Although as life tends to unfolds, I ended up believing him. Because what he told me was nothing truer than truth itself. Magic is real. The odds of something extraordinary yet to happen right in front of our very eyes might be extremely low, but it never is cero. You see, despite magic being real, it still needs to be developed under certain circumstances. For instance, there is a crucial component needed for the recipe of magic to take place. Courage. That inner strength that we tend to pull out in our darkest moments. The very same energy we use to embrace and transform the bad days we may have had into good ones, or at least into great life lessons.

Magic takes place when our eyes meet the beautifulness of the chaos surrounding us. The gorgeous entropy the universe is always so kindly gifting us. Because it loves us enough, for it to not care at all to give it all out. Because without it, there would be no growth, no experience, no knowledge, and no life. Magic is always happening right in front of us, the sad side of this statement is that sometimes our eyes aren’t healed and nurtured enough to see it. But it is there, I assure you of that. As another wise old man used to say, you can only connect the dots looking backward. Only then, we can connect what has happened so far in our lives, to what have we become out of it. Into what it has made us transform. Into what vast amounts of strength we had to pull out and use to become something else. Something stronger. Something special. Something magical.

For better or for worse, it is a transformation indeed. And that, I consider it to be magic as well. There is magic in the day to day life. However, the most essential magic to understand is the native language of our heart. The heart for centuries has held the power to create entire galaxies within galaxies. And the power to destroy worlds upon worlds. The power to move forward no matter what is in front of it. Because out of all things, it seeks to be soaked in that pink aroma called love. Ipso facto, when courage and kindness meet together in the eye-sight of someone willing enough to love. Well, the universe itself could be collapsing around him, yet in that very moment. He would be rejoicing in magic.



kanae sen

satori means sudden enlightenment.